Chess Moves & Champions: CDA Chess Club's August 28th Meeting Highlights

We are excited to announce the results from our lively meeting held on August 28th, which witnessed the two-week participation of 14 enthusiastic players.

It was a testament to the skill and passion within our club to see John M. elevate his gameplay, securing a record of 3-1 and escalating to the 4th position on our ladder. His strategic moves and precise decision-making impressed everyone, including me.

We also had the pleasure of welcoming back Cory S., who engaged in a hard-fought duel against Mike O. Similarly, Travis G. reactivated his membership with exciting games against Deon and Serena. The serious match between Travis and Serena was a highlight of the evening and an exhibition of brilliant chess moves.

Our junior representatives, Ryan and Leo, stayed caught up, challenging the seasoned players with youthful vigor and strategic gameplay.

We want to remind everyone that the Student Union will be closed next
Monday for Labor Day, but an informal unrated meet-up is scheduled for 6:00 p.m. at Burger King in Post Falls.

This is another friendly reminder that our beginner's club will meet this Thursday at Burger King at 6:00 p.m. Whether you're just starting or looking to brush up on your basics, this session promises to be fun and informative. And remember, chess enthusiasts of all ages are welcome at our meetings. We look forward to seeing you there!

Remember to mark your calendars and sign up for the Back-2-School Quads on September 9 at CDA Park.

We can't wait to see everyone at the next meeting.

The Club Ladder has been updated.


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